
Applies only to Roots


The recovery system is designed to rescue failed bulk downloads, in the event of an unexpected error - such as a fatal crash or other external event.

You should not rely on the recovery system to be 100% reliable, even though it is built to be as close to that as possible.

Available APIs

API MemberExplanation


Get a list of all recoverable regions, not just those that have failed


Get a list of recoverable regions that have failed


Get a specific region from the recoverable list


Get a specific region from the failed list


Safely cancel/remove a recoverable region

ID System

Recoverable regions are identified internally by an int ID number. All the methods above make use of this ID number, and so (to ensure continuity) the RootRecovery object returned is internally a singleton.

This number is generated using the following algorithm, which hopefully ensures a unique number:

    region, // Hash code for the `DownloadableRegion`
    tileProviderSettings, // Hash code for the current tile provider settings
    _storeDirectory.getTileProvider(tileProviderSettings), // Hash code for an instance of the store directory's `TileProvider`
) *;

Last updated

© Luka Stillingfleet (JaffaKetchup)