
Applies only to Stores


This library provides a very simple persistent key-value pair storage system, designed to store any custom information about the store. For example, your application may use one store per urlTemplate, in which case, the URL can be stored in the metadata.

Remember that metadata does not have any effect on internal logic: it is simply an auxiliary method of storing any data that might need to be kept alongside a store.


Keys are used as the name of a file. Therefore, keys must be safe, as they are not sanitized by this library.

Add a new key-value pair to the store. For example:

        key: String,
        value: String,


Read all the key-value pairs from the store, and return them in a Map<String, String>. For example:

    read; // This is a getter


Remove a key-value pair from the store. For example:

    remove(key: String);


Remove all the key-value pairs from the store. For example:


Last updated

© Luka Stillingfleet (JaffaKetchup)