Using Roots & Stores

Base Chains

Once you can access FMTC.instance, you can chain on other methods to use the majority of this library's functionality. These are the base chains you will need:

To get the Root and it's associated information, just chain on rootDirectory, as so:

final root = FMTC.instance.rootDirectory;

Extra Chains

After this, you can chain any of the following members/accessors (each will be accessible on a Root, a Store, or both):

Many of the symbols one level beneath the ones listed here, for example those under manage, have asynchronous versions which are recommended for performance.

To use them, if available, just add 'Async' to the end of the symbol. For example, manage.ready and manage.readyAsync.

pageflutter_map Integration

If you receive warnings in your IDE about using internal members outside its package, you should use the chains listed above instead of directly using the indicated object.

Last updated

© Luka Stillingfleet (JaffaKetchup)