Example Application

This package contains a full example application - prebuilt for Android and Windows - showcasing the most important features of this package.

Feel free to use the app as a starting point for your application, it contains some useful UI patterns.

Before using the example application, make ensure you comply with the appropriate rules and terms of service set by your tile server.

OpenStreetMap's can be found here: specifically bulk downloading is discouraged, and forbidden after zoom level 13. Other servers may have different terms.

This library and/or the creator(s) are not responsible for any violations you make using this package. Remember that this library automatically adds a clear 'with flutter_map_tile_caching' to the User-Agent header.

Prebuilt Example Applications

There are prebuilt applications for Android and Windows available on GitHub.

These are automatically built (using GitHub Actions) from the latest available commits every time the example source files change, so may include functionality not yet available via pub.dev installation.

Additionally, they both contain auto-updaters, which download and install the newer versions from the same source.


To run the prebuilt Android application on most devices, download the .apk package (from Prebuilt Example Applications) to your device, then execute it to install it.

After installation, it will appear in the launcher like any other application.

The operating system may request permissions to install applications from unknown sources: you must allow this.


To run the prebuilt Windows application on most devices, download the .exe package (from Prebuilt Example Applications) to your device, then execute it to install it.

It will require a very simple installation with no administrator privileges required, then it will appear in the Start Menu and search bars like any other application. You can optionally choose to create a desktop shortcut.

You may receive security warnings depending on your system setup: these are false positives and occur due to the package being unsigned.

Other Platforms

For other platforms, there are no prebuilt applications.

You'll have to clone this project, open the 'example' directory, and then build for your desired platform using Dart and Flutter as normal.

There is no auto-updater support for other platforms.

Last updated

© Luka Stillingfleet (JaffaKetchup)