1️⃣Create A Region

Creating regions is designed to be easy for the user and you (the developer).

The Example Application contains a great way you might want to allow your users to choose a region to download, and it shows how to use Provider to share a created region and the number of approximate tiles it has to a download screen.

Types Of Region

All regions (before conversion to DownloadableRegion) implement BaseRegion.

The most basic type of region, defined by two North West and South East coordinates that create a LatLngBounds.

final region = RectangleRegion(
        LatLng(), // North West
        LatLng(), // South East

Skewed parallelograms (rectangles with a 3rd control point) or rotated rectangles are not currently supported

After you've created your region, you can convert it to a drawable polygon (below), or convert it to a DownloadableRegion ready for downloading.

Converting To Drawable Polygons

All BaseRegions can be drawn on a map with minimal effort from you or the user, using toDrawable().

Internally, this uses the toOutline(s) method to generate the points forming the Polygon, then it places this/these polygons into a PolygonLayer.

Last updated

© Luka Stillingfleet (JaffaKetchup)